Chair Shiatsu

Chair Shiatsu

In chair shiatsu / chair massage, you sit on
a special massage chair.

This chair is designed to provide a very relaxed
and restful posture.

It is also called company massage because it can be used well in companies.

A pressure point massage will lower your stress levels.

Next, manual techniques are used to treat your back and shoulder area, as well as your arms and neck.

Moreover, it has an invigorating effect.

The treatment last about 45 minutes.

Photo: Chair Shiatsu, Massagem Ladoeiro
Photo: Chair Shiatsu, Massagem Ladoeiro
Chair Shiatsu or Chair Massage

In chair shiatsu / chair massage (company massage), you sit on a special massage chair, which is designed to provide a very relaxed and restful posture. Through pressure point massage, your stress level is lowered. Next, manual techniques are used to treat your back and shoulder area, as well as your arms and neck. This will lower your muscle tension and improve your metabolism.

Chair shiatsu / chair massage (company massage) is also low-threshold, as you undergo the treatment clothed. It is therefore ideally suited for use in a business environment.

For whom?

It is intended, for example, in cases of stress, working under a (too) high workload or adjustment problems resulting from changes in our society. Many people experience problems with this, both young and old. All too often, no attention is paid to the first symptoms. Which, for example, can indicate excessive strain or workload. As a result, problems such as tension headaches, burnout, arm, neck and shoulder complaints are increasingly diagnosed. Arm, neck and/or shoulder complaints resulting from (too) often repeated movements are also known as CANS (Complaints of the Arm, Neck and/or Shoulder) or the older term RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).

Repetitive movements are common in various professions. This is the case, for example, with hairdressers, medical carers and people who do screen work, which puts a lot of strain on a small muscle or muscle group. Muscle pain and related complaints can result.

For companies

To prevent health problems and dropouts, it is essential to work structurally on stress reduction and muscle relaxation. Chair massage or chair shiatsu can help. This treatment method is widely used in the work environment nowadays. It is an accessible, pleasant method to reduce stress levels and thus reduce or prevent the negative consequences of work pressure and overwork.

Of course, you can also go for chair shiatsu / chair massage at the practice itself.

A treatment can be used for, among other things:

  • Headache

  • Neck, shoulder and arm pain

  • Back pain

  • Stress

  • Tension complaints

  • Burn out symptoms

  • Fatigue


What is it good for?


'Had a Shiatsu Chair massage for the first time. Couldn't imagine it beforehand ...
It was wonderful ... It makes you feel like
a different person'.


'The chair massage felt like nice, relaxing and ''feels'' that it works!'.

Happy clients


Have any questions?

If you have any questions about the therapies, feel free to contact me.